Back from OSDC

Whew! What a blast.

OSDC was really good this year. I’m a bit flat out with family stuff at the moment (Dutch Christmas today. Stollen, yay!) so I’ll have to leave the main writeup until later.

Lots of really smart people doing cool and amazing things. I learned heaps, mostly that I’m a complete novice programmer compared to these guys, and I may not have the time to learn the craft as well as them. Ah well, I’ll just keep hacking on stuff anyway. It’s fun!

Quality of presentations, and presenters, was way up. The venue was quite good, catering was decent, and I found a place that did a decent coffee above Museum station. Chris DiBona rocked, Tridge was also ace, Larry was surprisingly and disappointingly kinda dull.

I had technology failure for my lightning talk, so it kinda sucked. Never mind. I’ll have to spend more time getting my next laptop working really well for external monitors for presentations.

I wish I had more time to play with all the cool stuff people were showing off this past week.

Congratulations, and thanks, to all the organisers for putting on a great conference. And yes, I filled out the survey. I’m looking forward to next year already!

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