Plone, Weddings, Work

A few updates to the look of the site, as you can see. I’ve added some link boxes on the left to link to projects I work on, sites I regularly read and webcomics I like. I’m playing around with some of the fancier parts of Plone at the moment as well as the latest version of the software. So far it looks good, so I’ll have to have a look at how I’d like to upgrade. In my copious free time, of course.I’ve made some headway with seafelt at last, though it’s going to be a long road to getting it ready commercially. At least I can now look at my own broadband usage. I’ll have to write some code to calculate % uptime for the link so I know what sort of service level I’m getting. It’s great to be at a point where I can start thinking about the end user experience for this stuff, rather than playing with low level SNMP code and charting code. Still, it’s more fun than the day job.

I’m off to a friend’s wedding this afternoon and then straight to a going away party for another friend who’s moving to Canada. It sounds like it’ll end up being a big day/night, and with only one day to recover before heading back to work on Monday, well… it could be interesting.

Ah well, I’m sure it’ll be fun.

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